Wednesday 14 August 2013

Gencon Adventures Day 0

Today was a good day, but maybe a little too long.

So last night's budget motel made sleep difficult. I didn't fall asleep until 4:00, and Cait woke up at 4 and couldn't get back to sleep. It was an uncomfortable night. The morning brought a quick trip to Target for supplies, a stop at the McDonalds for breakfast, and some navigation to get to Indy itself.

We checked in, grabbed the boxes that the Holiday Inn Express graciously held for us, and then went to the convention center for booth setup. Cait's organizational skills once again made this a relatively quick and painless process. By 1 pm the booth was ready to go:
That is our daughter's Duffy bear dressed up as a fighter pilot.

We spent the afternoon wandering the halls of the convention center and the streets of Indy. It took longer to find a place to buy shampoo than it did to set up the whole booth. After dinner at the pub next door, we came back to the hotel room. Derek and Desi headed back out to a party, but Cait and I are exhausted, and bedding down for the night. Cait is asleep next to me, and I will be going the same way soon. 

Tomorrow is day 1 and I am excited to meet fans and sell a few books. I will let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck and Good Hunting. I told some people from Edmonton to head to your booth. Let me know who wins the Best SWAG.
